Monday, December 19, 2011

DIY Vera Bradley Ornament

Along with baking and taking pictures, one of my other passions is Vera Bradley!  I have many Vera Bradley products and I am even using one of the patterns in small ways throughout my wedding.  As Christmas was approaching, I was trying to figure out a way to buy Vera Bradley gifts for some of my favorite people.  With our upcoming wedding in March, Matt and I are trying to save money in any way possible, so I decided to get creative!  When I was younger my Mom and I would always make homemade ornaments with patterned napkins, glass ornament balls, mod podge and glitter.  Since Vera Bradley sells paper napkins I decided to make homemade Vera Bradley ornaments in my wedding pattern Very Berry Paisley!!!

You will need:  ornaments to decorate, Vera Bradley Luncheon paper napkins
 (or any other pretty paper napkins),
mod podge, glitter, a sponge paint brush, scissors and ribbon.

Vera Bradley paper napkin in Very Berry Paisley!

First you need to cut off the border on the napkin.

After you do that you need to separate the
solid colored lining of the napkin from the patterned part.
On Vera Bradley napkins there are two layers of lining that need to be separated.

Next you just cut up the napkin into pieces.

The ornament before it is decorated.

Now it is time for the fun part!  First you need to take top off the
ornament to make it easier to decorate.

Next start adding mod podge in small areas and start putting pieces
of the napkin on one piece at a time layering the edges of the peices to cover the whole ornament.

I like using a cup to help throughout the
decorating process and for drying the ornament.

Here is what the ornament looks like with just the layer of napkin.
Next I paint a thin layer mod podge all over the ornament making
certain that any parts of napkin that are sticking up are glued down.

Wait for the first layer of mod podge to dry
and then add another layer of mod podge.
This helps to ensure that all the little pieces of napkin are flush.

Once that layer dries, it is time for one last layer of mod podge.
I cover the entire ornament and then shake on the glitter!!!

Then all you need to do is let it dry and tie on some ribbon!

Now your DIY Vera Bradley ornament is ready for your or your loved ones tree!

Thanks for checking out my DIY Vera Bradley ornament!  I am hoping that by next Christmas I will have a tree full of both store bought Vera Bradley ornaments and homemade Vera Bradley ornaments!  I hope you all have Happy Holidays filled with friends, family and wonderful food!


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